
An X11 server displaying on a Synaptics cPad

The key idea is simple: either I could program tools for displaying information on a cPad using some specific API or I could simply implement an X11 server for the cPad. It turns out that it is not only simpler to implement the X11 server for the cPad but even much more useful: there are already tools for X11 which display the information I would put onto my cPad (eg. the current load, a chart displaying the battery state, a clock, etc.).

Currently, I have an X11 server called Xcpad working which displays on the cPad. You can get instructions on how to build it yourself from here. There is no support for any form of input, neither mouse nor keyboard, yet. This is the next thing I will be working on.


I would like to provide a few screenshots but I haven't succeeded in making useful photos of the cPad before my camera ran out of power. I hope to provide some soon, however.


You can get the sources from here.

The source consist of a patch against the XFree86 4.3.0 source tree. See the ReadMe for more detailed instructions on building and installing Xcpad.


Dietmar Kuehl, (dietmar_kuehl@yahoo.com), Phaidros Software AG